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Monday, 15 August 2016

John Hannavy - Britain’s Industrial Heritage

review written and read by Brian Lowen live on the bookshow 11th Aug 2016

This is a book that I received for my birthday and is described as a Handbook and Gazetteer.

I think it would make a great present for anyone who is remotely interested in the industrial past of this country.

It describes in easy to read text with plenty of accompanying photographs the history of the following:
Windmills and waterwheels and how they provided power to the factories.
Canals are dealt with, describing their rise and fall and now rising again in popularity as a leisure industry.
Mining is featured with details of the terrible conditions experienced by the miners seeking seams of coal and metal ore.
The iron and steel industry, which is particularly topical at the moment is also explained.
The railways and there rise and fall following the  Beeching Report and now their rise again with the coming to life of many heritage railways which are so popular with the public.
Shipbuilding is really a sad story because as it was once a great industry it has now faded away and there does not seem to be any recovery. 

At the end of the book is a very useful gazetteer listing all the places that you can visit, relevant to the industries dealt with in the preceding pages, and brief details about each.

A good little hardcover book that is useful to keep as a reference.

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